When dealing with property loss assessments, the expertise and experience of professionals like Brad Flemming, an MBC Group Senior Cost Consultant, are invaluable. His role involves managing project expenses and ensuring optimal financial outcomes, a task that becomes particularly challenging in the aftermath of natural disasters. "The aftermath of natural disasters is particularly challenging because it involves not just the immediate damage but also long-term impacts on structures and communities," he explains. "Each situation is unique and requires a tailored approach to accurately assess and manage the financial and logistical aspects."
Brad has 25 years of experience in both construction and oil & gas industries, having held various technical and commercial project management roles within public traded companies providing him with a unique skill set when assessing a Claim. He holds diploma in Architectural Technology and Technical Degree in Petroleum Engineering with a Certified Professional Purchaser (CPP) and a Certified Engineering Technologist (CET) designation.
As a Senior Cost Consultant his expertise extends to managing multiple projects simultaneously, generating estimates for various projects and coordinating multiple sub-trades. His focus is streamlining processes to reduce timelines, bottom-line costs, and man-hours effectively optimizing productivity.
Understanding the Scope of Property Loss
One of Brad’s most notable projects involved a property loss in St. Clair, Ontario involving a loss to a Gas Metering Skid due to vehicular impact. "I was able to leverage my engineering and oilfield experience to address the unique challenges, providing the insurer with a comprehensive scope to tender, a bidder cost comparison and recommendations." After the Gas Metering Skid equipment costs were settled between both parties, there were further challenges with settlement costs pertaining to the 2-year production loss and offset well abandonment with the Oil & Gas company that shipped their production through that metering station. “I was able to recommend to the Insurance Company that the Oil & Gas Company should be compensated 2-year production loss but not the well abandonment costs as they have been non-compliant with Ontario Ministries Specifications and Regulations for the past few years. As a result, the Ontario Ministries was forcing this Oil & Gas Company to either rebuild on a new lease with their equipment meeting Ministry standards or shut-in the active producing wells. The well abandonment costs were irrelevant for this insurance coverage.”
Balancing Efficiency and Accuracy
Efficiency is a key component in Brad's methodology; this is essential when dealing with time-sensitive projects, where quick and accurate assessments can significantly impact the recovery process. His ability to meet critical deadlines is another standout aspect of his work. "Consistently meeting critical deadlines is a skill that proves invaluable in meeting the demands of our insurance providers," he says.
This is specific to the majority of claims, where weather conditions can play a factor in further residual damage. An example would include a tree impact to a building’s roof creating a “port of entry” into a building. Repair time is crucial, as rain and snow could enter causing secondary damage to the property’s interior drywall & insulation building materials, thus potentially creating an issue with mold/mildew and increased repair costs.
Leveraging Team Collaboration and Expertise
At MBC Group, the collaborative environment plays a pivotal role in the success of property loss assessments. "I particularly value the diverse talents and specialties of the individuals at MBC Group, fostering a rich and collaborative environment where everyone's unique strengths contribute to our collective success," Brad shares. This team-oriented approach allows for a more comprehensive assessment process, as different perspectives and areas of expertise are brought together to tackle complex issues. Members of the consultant team have varied backgrounds which means that regardless of the need, our partners can rely on their experience and expertise to ensure accurate assessments every time.
Future Directions and Sustainability
Looking ahead, Brad sees significant potential for growth and evolution within MBC Group. MBC Group is poised for future growth as it expands into new countries with the recent opening of our UK branch. “MBC’s adaptability and knowledge leverage makes it a formidable competitor, contributing to a larger brand presence and an increased market share," he predicts. This forward-thinking outlook is essential in an industry that continually faces new challenges and opportunities posed by natural disasters and other property loss events.
To connect with Brad or his team, please reach out to assignments@mbc-group.ca